Gospin kip sivi - 90 cm

90 cm
SKU: 38700046257
Besplatna dostava
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Gospin kip sivi  - 90 cm

Visina: 90 cm

Težina: 7 kg

Materijal: Kamena prašina i poliester

Pakiranje: Masivna drvena kutija

Dostava: Samo sa DHL Express 

Ukupna cijena uključuje:

Kip + masivna drvena kutija za zaštitu + zaštitni materijal + poštarina + osiguranje pošiljke + kamena krunica

Kontaktirajte nas → officialparish@medjugorje.store

Postojeći osvrti
Welcome to New York, Gospa!
Francis-Marie 9/14/2023 1:02 PM
This statue is one of the beautiful renditions of Our Lady. Her grey blue dress is just perfect. The gentle smiling face truly evokes a mother’s love! The statue was packed carefully considering it travelled from Herzegovina to New York. Communication with the store was easy and they even have WhatsApp. Ivana was efficient and answered all my questions!  Thank you very much for the blessing to have a part of Medjugorje in my home.
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Beautiful Image of The Gospa
Benjamin 9/4/2023 4:41 PM
I’ve been looking for a statue of Our Lady of Medjugorje for some time and happened to come across the Official Parish store of St James in Medjugorje and found this beautiful image. She arrived in my home in the US very quickly and is of great quality. The image is large and was packed very carefully so she came intact. Looking at the image helps me remember the messages of Medjugorje to PRAY PRAY PRAY.
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Gospin kip sivi  - 90 cm

Visina: 90 cm

Težina: 7 kg

Materijal: Kamena prašina i poliester

Pakiranje: Masivna drvena kutija

Dostava: Samo sa DHL Express 

Ukupna cijena uključuje:

Kip + masivna drvena kutija za zaštitu + zaštitni materijal + poštarina + osiguranje pošiljke + kamena krunica

Kontaktirajte nas → officialparish@medjugorje.store