BE SIMILAR TO MY HEART / Fr Slavko Barbarić

Prayer & Fasting Retreats on Mary’s Messages in Medjugorje as led by Fr Slavko Barbarić
Sku: 9789958362361
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About the Author

Fr Slavko Barbarić, OFM, was born near Medjugorje in 1946. He was ordained a priest in 1971. He studied philosophy and pastoral theology in Sarajevo and Schwaz (Austria) and obtained his master’s degree in 1973 in Graz, Austria. He gained his doctorate in religious education in 1982 in Freiburg, Germany.

Fr Slavko began working with the pilgrims in Medjugorje in January 1982. He conducted numerous retreats and tirelessly spoke about the events of Medjugorje all over the world. He wrote many articles for various publications and is the author of many books on the spirituality of Medjugorje. His books have been translated into more than 20 languages.

Fr Slavko died on November 24, 2000, at 3.30 PM, on Mount Križevac (Cross Mountain) in Medjugorje, after having prayed the Stations of the Cross with the parishioners.


About This Book

Fasting is not to deny our bodies’ nourishment, nor to feel hunger, but to re-educate our hearts, our minds and our souls to experience the inner freedom from all that hinders us from feeling the hunger for God and His love. Fasting will lead us to a new freedom of heart and mind.


The Author Speaks

There are two goals of this book. One of the goals is to help motivate us to begin to pray, but especially to begin to fast as Our Lady continues asking us to do. Through learning how to pray and fast, we become able to reach the other goal within these pages, to deepen our desire to become similar to the Heart of Mary.

The Heart of Mary was similar to the Heart of Jesus because Mary said “Yes” to the will of God. She reflected the love of Jesus to others during her entire life. We, too, like Mary, must make a decision to say “Yes” in order to be similar to the Heart of Mary, so that we, too, can reflect the Heart of Jesus in our families, in our communities, in the Church and in the world.

Together with this book, may the humble and pure Heart of Our Lady bestow upon our hearts a profound eagerness to be similar to her. May we also experience her motherly love!


Publisher: ICMM

Author: Fr Slavko Barbarić

Language: English

Translation / Review: Lidija Paris / Fr Leon Pereira O.P.

Edited in 2021

Size: 195 x 120

118 pages

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About the Author

Fr Slavko Barbarić, OFM, was born near Medjugorje in 1946. He was ordained a priest in 1971. He studied philosophy and pastoral theology in Sarajevo and Schwaz (Austria) and obtained his master’s degree in 1973 in Graz, Austria. He gained his doctorate in religious education in 1982 in Freiburg, Germany.

Fr Slavko began working with the pilgrims in Medjugorje in January 1982. He conducted numerous retreats and tirelessly spoke about the events of Medjugorje all over the world. He wrote many articles for various publications and is the author of many books on the spirituality of Medjugorje. His books have been translated into more than 20 languages.

Fr Slavko died on November 24, 2000, at 3.30 PM, on Mount Križevac (Cross Mountain) in Medjugorje, after having prayed the Stations of the Cross with the parishioners.


About This Book

Fasting is not to deny our bodies’ nourishment, nor to feel hunger, but to re-educate our hearts, our minds and our souls to experience the inner freedom from all that hinders us from feeling the hunger for God and His love. Fasting will lead us to a new freedom of heart and mind.


The Author Speaks

There are two goals of this book. One of the goals is to help motivate us to begin to pray, but especially to begin to fast as Our Lady continues asking us to do. Through learning how to pray and fast, we become able to reach the other goal within these pages, to deepen our desire to become similar to the Heart of Mary.

The Heart of Mary was similar to the Heart of Jesus because Mary said “Yes” to the will of God. She reflected the love of Jesus to others during her entire life. We, too, like Mary, must make a decision to say “Yes” in order to be similar to the Heart of Mary, so that we, too, can reflect the Heart of Jesus in our families, in our communities, in the Church and in the world.

Together with this book, may the humble and pure Heart of Our Lady bestow upon our hearts a profound eagerness to be similar to her. May we also experience her motherly love!


Publisher: ICMM

Author: Fr Slavko Barbarić

Language: English

Translation / Review: Lidija Paris / Fr Leon Pereira O.P.

Edited in 2021

Size: 195 x 120

118 pages