The Witness of the Visionaries - The Message of the Queen of Peace of Medjugorje

SKU: 9789958361050
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About This Book

Testimonies of the visionaries Ivanka, Vicka, Jakov, Ivan, Mirjana and Marija

The beginnings

Personal experience of the visionaries

Why were they chosen?

Reactions of their families, of the society, the State and the Church

The consequences in their lives, in the life of the parish and in the world



Publisher: ICMM

Original language: Croatian

Translation: Lidija Paris and Tea Sušac

Edited in 2019

Size: 130 x 130

120 pages with Photos

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About This Book

Testimonies of the visionaries Ivanka, Vicka, Jakov, Ivan, Mirjana and Marija

The beginnings

Personal experience of the visionaries

Why were they chosen?

Reactions of their families, of the society, the State and the Church

The consequences in their lives, in the life of the parish and in the world



Publisher: ICMM

Original language: Croatian

Translation: Lidija Paris and Tea Sušac

Edited in 2019

Size: 130 x 130

120 pages with Photos